The much-awaited collaboration between actor Suriya and director Karthik Subbaraj, ‘Retro’, is set to hit theatres worldwide on May 1, 2025. The film marks the first partnership between the actor and ...
Suriya and Karthik Subbaraj's latest movie Retro will hit the screens on May 1. The makers have announced the release date ...
Retro’, featuring actor Suriya in the lead, will hit screens on May Day (May 1) this year, its makers announced on Tuesday.
Suriya and Karthik Subbaraj's first collaboration, Retro, is set to arrive in cinemas in May 2025. Promising an action-packed ...
Suriya's upcoming action-love film 'Retro', directed by Karthik Subbaraj, now has a release date, and is generating buzz.
The makers of Suriya's upcoming film with Karthik Subbaraj announced that the film Retro will hit screens on May 1. Directed ...
Kanguva's Oscar consideration has left fans glad about South cinema getting global recognition. Others debated over why a box ...