Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and Defence Minister Antti Häkkänen (NCP) said that firing on UN bases is reprehensible.
Output dropped most steeply in the chemical industry in August, with biggest rise in mining and quarrying. Industrial output ...
People moving to Finland could find it difficult to meet the so-called sufficient funds requirement, which becomes stricter ...
All Points North finds out what happened to Kenyan students who came to Finland to get a degree but ended up in debt while ...
Last year, Somali nationals living in Finland were the minority group most frequently targeted by suspected hate crimes ...
Train traffic was cut off between Kesälahti and Parikkala in Eastern Finland on Thursday, with repairs still underway in the ...
The university suspects violations of sanctions and export regulations regarding so-called dual-use technology, which can be ...
Ville Tavio (Finns) survived a no-confidence motion regarding his decision to exclude Finland from an international gender ...
Suomi kohtaa Irlannin jalkapallon Kansojen liigassa Helsingin Olympiastadionilla kello 21.45. Suora lähetys alkaa kello 21.00 ...
Kanadalaislähteiden mukaan Oliver Kapanen, 21, nousee Montrealin pelaavaan kokoonpanoon, kun Canadiens vierailee back-to-back ...
Urheilijoille lätkäistyt omavastuuvaatimukset ovat puhuttaneet viime viikkoina, mutta maastohiihdon, mäkihypyn ja yhdistetyn ...
Enligt en ny rapport av FN:s oberoende internationella utredningskommission är Israels attacker mot hälsovårdssystemet i Gaza ...