Fish Treatment Ltd in collaboration with Mainstream Fisheries Ltd have been involved in the development of unique eDNA ...
Today, somewhere in the world, someone will be looking at a tank full of dead fish and scratching their head, unable to ascertain why. It might be something catastrophic that’s happened in the tank, a ...
Matt Clarke answers some of the most common questions on choosing an aquarium filter. Why do I need a filter? A filter is essential for removing wastes produced by fish. Without one, the water would ...
Thinking of getting an external filter? Want to know which ones to buy? Jeremy Gay explains what he expects of them and makes his recommendations. When I select an external filter for one of my tanks ...
Giant isopods, caught in the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean, are to go on display in Britain for the first time. The nine giant isopods, Bathynomus giganteus, are due to go on display at the Sea ...
Emma Turner spotlights a remarkable air-breathing loach that can survive for several hours out of water and, by its body actions, also predict storms. The Weather loach may not be the most flamboyant ...
Congratulations on reading through the diploma materials for week one. Now let’s revisit some of the key pointers for it. In this quick revision, the important thing to remember is that you are aiming ...
A: Neale replies: Assuming your garden has not been sprayed with insecticides, herbicides, or some other poison, earthworms make a great food for carnivorous fish. It’s one of those situations where ...
Pick up any decent tropical fish encyclopaedia and you’ll see three species laid out fair and square: the Common Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare, the Altum Angelfish Pterophyllum altum, and the Dwarf ...
Freshwater shrimps have never been more popular. Ade Dunn explains how to keep and breed those of the Neocaridina genus. A genus of dwarf freshwater shrimp, Neocaridina include varieties such as ...
Taiwanese scientists have created more two-headed genetically modified Zebra danios, according to the Taipei Times. The research group at the Institute of Biological Chemistry at Taiwan's Academia ...
Jeremy Gay helps a reader to decide on which type of puffer to choose for setting up his tank. Q: I’m setting up a 400 l tank for marines and corals and I would like some advice on my chosen fish, ...