Surely the Nexflix doco isn't holding this up? There is surely much great content in these 6 releases... Remasters, Unreleased, concerts, rehearsals, opportunities to restore on shows like Lovesexy ...
Howard Stern has over 2.5 million subscribers. This particular video has been viewed by almost 600,000 people in 1 day. Howard even starts the interview with Batdance. The Estate should REALLY be ...
Put on headphones, that is a perfect pop song. Might be better than Purple Rain. That song is clever as shit. Executed to a tee. There is no better ear candy. Apples backing vocals kinda works. That ...
Seems like everything is interconnected that benefitted the estate. Netflix if the reports are accurate paid the estate " tens of millions of dollars" which in turned greatly helped the estate satisfy ...
I dont get what the estate are getting out of this current holding pattern? - Prince's hardcore fans are just getting older and older - The next generation / Young people just aren't interested (to my ...
Michael Bland gave an interview on Funkatopia where he breaks down each track from the LOVE SYMBOL album. The interviewer brought up Questlove and Michael Bland takes Questlove to task for not ...
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