The top wallpaper designs for 2025 are as bold as they are beautiful. If you want to refresh your home, here are five trends good for any room.
Wallpaper has a reputation of being expensive, dated, and complicated. But we’re here to tell you it’s time to rethink your frame of reference! Today’s wallcoverings are fresh, happy, and easier than ...
It’s no secret that pastel colors are the embodiment of Spring, and right now, Nike has a deal that fits the requirements. The pastel pink Phoenix Waffle shoe is on sale for 34% off. Originally ...
Honing in on the best gaming PC you can buy comes down to a few crucial factors: price, performance, design, and upgradability. Our experts at TechRadar evaluate each of these by going hands on ...
What you need instead is a good pair of PC speakers to get the best sound from your media files. Luckily, you don’t need to buy a complete 7.1 surround sound system to feel satisfied.
Reading this during the day? Then you've caught me testing gear and editing reviews of laptops, desktop PCs, and tons of other personal tech. (Reading this at night? Then I’m probably dreaming ...
The best VR headsets for PC offer sharp displays, comfortable designs, accurate tracking, and a seamless connection to a gaming PC or gaming laptop. Admittedly, finding a headset with all these ...
I have been a technology journalist for 30-plus years and have covered just about every kind of computer gear—from the 386SX to 64-core processors—in my long tenure as an editor, a writer ...
If I ask whether you still access your favorite websites by opening a web browser like Google Chrome, and others on Windows PC, you’d probably wonder what kind of question that is, right? After all, ...
Readers help support Windows Report. We may get a commission if you buy through our links. If you didn’t update your PC to the latest OS, know that Windows 11 can offer many advantages over Windows 10 ...
Right now, this Beelink SER8 mini PC is only $479 on Amazon, the best price we’ve seen for it. That’s a solid 20 percent discount, bringing it down from its original $599 price. Just because ...
Well, like clockwork, the pastel obsession is back – only this time, we’re lusting after a different primary colour. It’s the turn of baby blue, and you needn’t look further than the ...