Your specialist will regularly examine your head and neck. This is the most important part of your follow-up. You may sometimes have scans. It can take several months for the side effects of the ...
I got the helmet set comfortably on my head, as if I were putting it on for a game. Credit: lili sams/mashable The Riddell tech walked around me in a circle to capture a 360-degree scan of my head ...
is different than the amount during a scan of your head. The unit doctors use to measure the dose is the millisievert (mSv). To give an idea of the risk from different types of X-ray tests ...
But his fame has traveled even farther. Now, a toymaker in Wisconsin plans a plastic Scrim bobblehead doll. Phil Sklar said he was watching television in his home in Milwaukee on Sunday ...
Westminster Abbey is undertaking a new project using the latest 3D technology to scan the funeral effigy head of Henry VII - the first Tudor monarch and the father of Henry VIII. The head was last ...