Israel dường như ngày càng ít tham vấn Mỹ khi ra các quyết định ở Cận Đông. Dù vậy, tổng thống Joe Biden vẫn tiếp tục hậu ...
Southgate resigned after England lost to Spain in the Euro 2024 final in July. However the 54-year-old had been touted as a ...
London's Frieze art fair, which opened Thursday, for the first time devotes a special section to ceramics, largely featuring ...
Durante más de dos décadas Rafael Nadal forzó su cuerpo hasta el extremo, luchando contra el dolor y las lesiones gracias a ...
1993年,韩江在《文学与社会》季刊发表诗作,隔年以小说《红锚》荣获《首尔新闻报》的年度春季文学奖,开始进入文坛;1999年以作品《童佛》赢得“韩国小说文学奖”,2000年赢得“今日青年艺术家奖”,2005年,以中篇小说《胎记》荣获“李箱文学奖”,成 ...
La carrera de Rafael Nadal, que este jueves anunció su retirada tras la disputa de la Copa Davis a finales de noviembre, ...
(法新社华盛顿10日电) 美国今天最新出炉的官方数据显示,9月通膨降温速度略低预期,进一步证明11月总统大选前美国物价压力逐渐缓和。 美国9月CPI年增幅放缓至2.4%,略高于道琼新闻社(Dow Jones Newswires)和华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal)访调分析师预估的2.3%。
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday held talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, as part of a ...
Rome (AFP) – La cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques 2026 d'hiver de Milan Cortina a été confiée à une agence ...
印度政府决定,将建造两艘核动力潜艇,并购买 31 架美制远程无人机,预计耗资 3500 亿卢比(42 亿美元),以帮助对抗中国在该地区的军事主导地位。 两艘携带常规武器的核动力潜艇将首次在当地造船厂建造。核动力潜艇比柴油电力潜艇优越得多:它们速度更快 ...
Los vientos devastadores del huracán Milton, que tocó tierra en la costa oeste de Florida el miércoles por la noche, ...
French photographer Sandra Calligaro has spent much of her career documenting the lives of ordinary people, especially women ...