To guarantee access to a tramper, we recommend booking by sending an email to [email protected]. Please ...
Quiet sessions at Saltram’s ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ are designed for anyone who would benefit from a calmer Christmas experience, alongside others who may be more familiar with additional ...
The concert will feature a wide range of works, arranged for 'cello and piano', as well as a piece for solo piano as well. Richard Westwood-Brookes will provide a narrative giving a background history ...
Providing a narrative introduction to each song will be Richard Westwood-Brookes. The concert is being staged through the very general sponsorship of The Elgar Society. This event is free, but normal ...
Choirs will be performing on selected weekdays in December until Friday 20th. Please note that there may not be a performance everyday, and times will vary - to check the dates and times of ...
Dare you join a chilling tour of the most haunted parts of the castle? Listen as your storyteller tells tales of ghosts and apparitions, leading the way through the castle, with a few surprises and ...
Belton park has been home to a wild herd of fallow deer for over 300 years. Discover how the ranger team manage the herd, and join Belton's Ranger Team for a guided walk through the park during the ...