Stellantis CEO to be heard in the Chamber on Friday: the company's industrial strategy under discussion. Majority and opposition motions. The Government exercises its golden power on Comau. Third-quar ...
The crew of the Axiom-3 Space Mission participates in the Post Flight Tour aboard the Frecciarossa, a symbol of sustainable ...
A new contract to enhance cybersecurity in the Defence communications network, ensuring greater protection and resilience ...
China sends luxury into the red, especially in France. Oil companies suffer from the drop in crude oil prices. Banks mitigate ...
Giorgetti had the courage to speak clearly on public accounts and on the need to ask for sacrifices but now he must take ...
With the arrival of cold weather in the North, many Italians are wondering when to turn on the radiators. The rules vary for ...
In an interview with La Stampa, the president of Intesa Sanpaolo takes a stand in defense of the banking sector and presents proposals to address public debt. On Unicredit and Commerzbank: "It's an op ...
According to the Minister of Economy Giorgetti, the Treasury will sell another share of MPS by the end of the year, thus respecting the EU commitments. What will happen? Here are all the hypotheses ...
Dengan acara besar ala Hollywood, Elon Musk menghadirkan Cybercab, Robotaxi pertama Tesla tanpa setir dan pedal. Dengan harga ...
Selon les rumeurs de la presse, l'objectif du Trésor est de garder ses cartes cachées jusqu'aux élections régionales de novembre, où nous irons aux urnes pour choisir les gouverneurs de l'Émilie-Romag ...
集团提出2024-2026年战略规划。私人银行和证券化领域也出现海外收购 本组 金融银行, 威尼斯商业银行成立于 恩里科马尔基 自四月份以来,该机构一直由意大利联合信贷银行前负责人领导 卢西奥·伊兹提出他的 2024-26 年战略计划 说明 收入突破190亿 (期间复合年增长率+15%)受到所有业务领域增长的推动。 并购目标:放眼海外的私人银行 “我们在公司报告中读到,Banca Finint 集 ...
Pemogokan kereta api lainnya akan melumpuhkan kota-kota Italia dari Sabtu malam tanggal 12 Oktober hingga Minggu tanggal 13, tanpa batas jaminan, yang mengakibatkan penundaan dan pembatalan. Berikut r ...