Transport Minister Jozef Ráž (Smer) held a press conference on Tuesday to present the results of a state inspection of ...
The programme will also showcase training of both armies, a history lesson, a period military camp, and a taste of its ...
This is the point when small houses made of concrete, or kiosk transformer stations, appear at the construction site. For ...
Traditional Slovak soups and dumplings, but also various pastries, drinks and snacks. A young British woman named Zoe, who ...
Andrew Novotney, child of the immigrants, was wild from the start. Family legend has it that he was involved in a shoot-out ...
Nearly a week after Zuzana Dolinková (Hlas) announced her decision to resign as health minister, citing disagreements over ...
Prosecutor Lucia Pavlaninová denies involvement with a sect that promises long life and predicts an apocalypse.
Andrew Novotney, child of the immigrants, was wild from the start. Family legend has it that he was involved in a shoot-out ...
A lack of clear government responsibility and support leaves municipalities struggling to provide adequate housing ...