A final televised debate in Oregon’s most competitive congressional race ended Tuesday night with the candidates talking over ...
Oregon will be the second state after Michigan to dedicate an entire state forest to storing emissions and selling carbon ...
The Bonneville Power Administration has identified $3 billion of projects it said would be key for accommodating growing ...
Most employers have little idea what the pharmacy benefit managers they hire do with the money they exchange for medications ...
Two Portland-area counties are taking the Oregon Health Authority to court to change how the state awards funding for drug treatment.
As the Durkee Fire burned in eastern Oregon in July, other major fires blazed across Oregon and Washington, straining ...
NW Natural’s customers have filed lawsuit claiming the company misled them about how its carbon reduction program works.
Various market forces combined with fishery collapses caused Alaska’s seafood industry to lose $1.8 billion from 2022 to 2023 ...
A youth residential provider plans to offer expanded mental health care in new facility that opens next summer.
When Dacia Grayber was 10 years old, the chimney on her family’s home caught fire.  She watched in amazement as firefighters ...
The only definitive fact about the campaign for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, now fewer than four weeks from its ...
A new drug addiction treatment center is opening in Gresham, offering people an option closer to their community.