O Presidente angola recordou, perante os membros da Liga Árabe, que a organização reconhece a Autoridade Palestiniana, à qual ...
Addis Ababa — The President of the Republic and of the African Union (AU), João Lourenço, defended on Thursday (March 13), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the need for the continent to hold a broad ...
The incumbent African Union Chairperson João Lourenço laid a wreath at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum this afternoon. The ...
The Head of State, João Lourenço, on Tuesday in Luanda met with his counterpart from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, to discuss the situation in DRC's eastern region.
O Presidente angolano e presidente em exercício da União Africana, João Lourenço, apelou a um cessar-fogo no leste da ...
Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Saturday congratulated Angolan Head of State João Lourenço for his good performance and commitment to peace in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.The Rwandan ...
João Lourenço condenou os ataques do Hamas e a "resposta militar desproporcional de Israel" contra os palestinianos que provocou uma catástrofe humanitária "sem precedentes" e com "contornos de ...
Plataforma dos Democratas Africanos, que integra a Fundação Brenthurst, organizadora da conferência internacional que ...
Angolan President João Lourenço, in his capacity as mediator, appealed Saturday in Luanda to the conflicting parties in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to cease hostilities as of ...
The AFC/M23 rebels have confirmed that they are sending a delegation of five members to Luanda, Angola for direct negotiations with the DR Congo government, scheduled for Tuesday, March 18. M23 ...