Kharge also took a sharp dig at Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) leaders who participated in the holy dip during the ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Kharge said, "On one hand Prime Minister ...
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that India would take appropriate action on repatriating illegal immigrants a day ...
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said he is the "product of the bond" that exists between India and the US, as top government ...
US President Donald Trump has said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would probably be visiting the White House for a meeting ...
Coldplay set a record for the largest stadium concerts of the 21st century with over 223,000 attendees in Ahmedabad, India.
By David Brunnstrom, Nandita Bose and Kanishka Singh WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President Donald Trump stressed the ...
The call occurred amidst speculation in diplomatic circles about India working towards an early meeting between the two ...
President Trump emphasised the need for India to increase its purchase of American-made defence equipment and to move towards ...
According to an official release, the Prime Minister will inaugurate programmes in Odisha at around 11 am at Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar. Thereafter, he will travel to Dehradun in Uttarakhand and at ...
Acting Attorney General James McHenry on Monday fired more than a dozen prosecutors who worked on the two criminal ...
The two leaders also discussed plans for Modi to visit the US, the White House said in a readout of the call on Monday.