Shah Rukh Khan, the “King of Bollywood,” has a fan following that is nothing short of extraordinary. A recent interview with renowned security consultant Yusuf Ibrahim brought to light an ...
SRK's security consultant Yusuf Ibrahim shared details of the incident, which occurred during an IPL season. He revealed that ...
Shah Rukh Khan's visit to Ajmer Sharif Dargah during peak prayer time led to chaos, with a crowd of 10-15K pushing them ...
Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a simple Pongal kolam with dots that even beginners can follow. Clean the area where you plan to draw the kolam. A flat and smooth surface, like the entrance of ...
Shah Rukh Khan visited Ajmer Sharif Dargah during the IPL, causing chaos as fans discovered his presence. Security consultant ...
Seunghan, the former member of RIIZE, has faced much scrutiny over the last year due to a controversy involving his personal life. After exiting the group, it was announced he would be going forward ...
Shin Min Gyu, a participant of the popular South Korean reality dating show, Heart Signal 4, announced separation from his on-screen and real life girlfriend Yoo Yi Soo. Speculations of a possible ...
Yusuf Ibrahim, Shah Rukh Khan’s trusted bodyguard, recounts a chaotic yet unforgettable visit to Ajmer Sharif Dargah during ...
Pakistani pilgrims visiting Ajmer for the 813th Urs of Sufi Saint Khwaja Garib Nawaz have concluded their three-day stay and are set to depart today.
Pakistani pilgrims completed their three-day visit to Ajmer for the 813th Urs of Sufi Saint Khwaja Garib Nawaz. Under strict police security, they visited the dargah and are set to depart by train.
A group of 89 Pakistani pilgrims, led by the Pakistan High Commission, visited Ajmer Sharif to participate in the 813th Urs ...
Pakistan pilgrims arrived at the revered Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer to attend the 813th Urs, on Wednesday.