Many factors are needed to achieve our goals. Now researchers have looked at passion, drive and people's ability to find flow ...
Dissociative identity disorder arises as a response to trauma. Understanding its neurobiology offers valuable insights into ...
Empathy responses to others in pain peak in young adulthood according to a new study led by the University of Kent’s School of Psychology.   Psychologists have discovered that young adults are ...
Often coupled with other important characteristics and experiences, certain traits define someone who has an exceptionally ...
A new study tests ChatGPT’s potential in mental health support for psychotherapists and patients, including dream analysis, ...
Having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with a shorter life expectancy and a greater risk of mental ...
A new study reveals that young adults show the strongest empathic responses to others in physical or social pain, compared to adolescents and older adults.
What if there was a way to not just survive marital challenges, but to thrive because of them? Here's how the “SPIRE” model ...
Stanley Milgram's experiment was a controversial test of human psychology that shed light on the limitations of free will and obedience to authority.
The little things, like kind words, can make all the difference to somebody. Being generous with your time by giving it to ...
Men and women alike are drawn to younger partners, whether or not they realize it. The conclusion came from a University of California, Davis, study of 4,500 blind dates of people seeking a long-term ...