When Strandmark isn’t suiting up for the Vikings, he’s hitting home runs in the classroom. He’s got all A’s and a 3.9 GPA in ...
During the school board meeting on Monday, the board approved bids for an electrical contractor, abatement contractors and ...
South Gwinnett High School has dramatically reduced class skipping and fighting through an unconventional ... The school has ...
It’s hard when you grow up in that demographic and your family’s moving. Sometimes you don’t see what you can be until ...
Bill Lee's desk. If signed into ... At KIPP Nashville Collegiate High School, for example, students are required to lock phones away in sealed pouches for the day. Teachers and staff there say kids ...
Jackson hurdler Nieko Garnes is the Times-Union Athlete of the Week in Jacksonville-area high school sports for Feb. 24-March 1, 2025.
Lawmakers gave final approval to a bill requiring Tennessee school districts ban the use of cell phones and other devices during instructional time.
In “John Proctor Is the Villain,” the actress is among a group of students studying “The Crucible,” just as the #MeToo movement tears through their classroom. Credit...Video by Hannah ...
Junior Achievement of Tampa Bay launched a capital campaign to build the Barnett Family JA Discovery Center at Tenoroc High ...
The desks are meant to ease ... disproportionately affecting working-class and rural black communities, this partnership exposes children to predatory marketing of high-fat, sugar, and salt ...
The student alleged that instead of providing medical help, the teachers forced her to stay in class despite her pleas for ...
“Talk to you later,” my student said as he turned his attention to Google on his school-issued Chromebook, as if he was being ...