Today Architectural Digest brings you inside the inviting bedrooms of 10 celebrity homes featured on Open Door. From John Legend and Chrissy Teigen's family home to NBA star Jimmy Butler and designer ...
Kendra Nicholas Nash, Principal Interior Designer of Nash Design Group, advises wrapping in soft grays, marble textures and ...
T wo summers ago, I discovered the coastal granddaughter trend. As someone who grew up 10 minutes from the beach, I took this aesthetic very seriously. You could spot it in everyt ...
Using a monochromatic color palette is a decorating technique that involves relying on a single dominant color for a room's ...
A survey of 2,000 sexually active adults explored the different “bedroom boundaries” that they have, finding that many consider those acts as “cheating” in a relationship. Those who put ...
Here’s how to keep your cool no matter what happens, according to Lorenzini and other experts. What to do before a crisis arises When Lorenzini was 9 years old, she went snorkeling with her ...
Why is India’s souvenir game so weak? Even kitsch can be cool. Instead, we’re stuck with tacky stereotypes It is a truth universally acknowledged that no vacation is truly complete until one ...
Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many ...
There is a lot of room in this impressive looking home with an all-brick exterior and inviting circular driveway.
Want super cute, high-quality clothes for your little one ... Another found a vintage Johnson Carper bedroom set for $150. Apparently, the credenza had sold for $500, so to pay $150 for three pieces ...
This lookbook spotlights eight tranquil bedroom interiors layered with unexpected yet balanced combinations of warm and cool tones. Achieving a visually comfortable room temperature can be a ...
It is love at first sight; you’ll full-on crush over every flawed character, every fated meet-cute. You’ll die a little inside with every twist. You’ll replay scenes in your head long after ...