Scientists are using artificial intelligence to better capture how healthy cells surrounding tumors influence cancer cell behavior and how those interactions can inform treatments.
Tubular carcinoma, treatable and slow-growing, has a good prognosis and often needs less aggressive treatment.
Researchers shed new light on G-quadruplexes, a type of secondary DNA structure that has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.
If the eyebrows are too low or have dropped over time,” he says, “the excess skin from the brow can contribute to heaviness ...
As part of our series, "Power of One," News 8 is following the story of a 34-year-old mother of three who has Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.
Background/aims Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is a rare cancer with periocular predilection. Studies focused on patterns and timing of nodal metastasis are scarce. Our aim is to report patterns of regional ...
If you wake up with a small, red, swollen bump on your eyelid, would you ignore it, squeeze it, or try to figure out the cause? If your curiosity takes over, this article provides all the answers ...
A cancer expert has listed two things people should try and cut back on which could help prevent certain cancers from developing. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1,777,566 new ...
The Mavericks’ frontman Raul Malo has been hospitalized amid his ongoing cancer battle soon after the country music singer returned to touring earlier this year. The Mavericks said on Instagram ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Elevated cancer rates have long been a concern for Staten Islanders, but as is the case across the city, state and country as a whole, certain types of the disease are far ...
New Delhi, Feb 19: Health experts have raised alarms over the increasing number of alcohol-related cancers in India, reinforcing the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent call for prominent health ...
When the bumps appear on eyelids, the most common location, they’re called xanthelasmas. Whey they show up on other parts of the body, including hands, elbows and soles of feet, they’re called ...