Five regions —other than Lima— account for 45.8% of <a href=" GDP, Lima Chamber of Commerce's (CCL) Institute of Economics and Business Development (IEDEP) reported Friday.
Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzen on Friday underscored that Peru’s benchmark interest rate stands at just 4.75%, the lowest among the region's major economies, which he described as good news for the ...
"Peru reaffirms its commitment to the search for a lasting peace in the Middle East based on the two-state solution, and therefore hopes that negotiations will resume to reach a political and ...
Banco de Credito del Peru's (BCP) Economic Studies Department estimates that the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) might continue to cut its reference rate in a context of controlled inflation, with a focus ...
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) announced that Peru and El Salvador agreed to resume negotiations to sign a Free Trade Agreement, which would expand opportunities for Peruvian ...
La Tercera Fiscalía Provincial de Extinción de Dominio de Lima, a cargo del fiscal Luis Jesús Aguirre Naupari, logró que se ...
Alianza Lima reafirmó su dominio en la Liga Peruana de Vóley al vencer por 3-0 a Géminis en un duelo correspondiente a la décima jornada del torneo. El encuentro, disputado en el Polideportivo de Vill ...
11/02/2025 El Centro Comercial Mesa Redonda ha iniciado su campaña por el Día del Amor y la Amistad, que se celebrará este 14 de febrero. Comerciantes ofrecen globos, rosas, peluches y otros detalles ...
La palabra siete es una de las favoritas de Cusco. Varias calles ubicadas en el centro histórico de la ciudad imperial tienen como denominador común ese nombre y eso causa la curiosidad en los poblado ...
10/02/2025 La ministra de Comercio Exterior, Desilú León, y el presidente de la APN, Juan Carlos Paz, supervisaron avances ...